At times I want to put people in their place...but my conscience tells me not to be evil
At times I want to quit my job...but my conscience tells me that I can't be a rolling stone
At times I want to shout at the top of my lungs...but my conscience orders me to keep quiet
At times I feel that something better is out there for me...but my conscience says, "first, you must cut your teeth"
At times I need to get close to somebody...but my conscience whispers "don't get too close for comfort"
At times I want to go away on my own...but my conscience informs me that I'm not independent
At times I feel the need for intimacy...but my conscience replies "you're not even close with anybody"
At times I feel alone...and my conscience snaps back, "well, who isn't?"
At times I want to disappear...but my conscience questions, "but where will you go?"
At times I'm really happy...but my conscience mocks me, "It will never last"
At times I feel like I can do anything...and my conscience urges me on
At times I feel very brave...but my conscience snaps be back to reality
At times I know I am loved...but my conscience tells me to name those who love me, and I can't think of that many
At times I want to speak my mind...but my conscience matter of factly answers, "you dont have anything important to say"
At times I feel time is moving so fast and I can't breathe...but my conscience tells me, "that's what happens when you live in the city"
At times I ask myself why I didnt do the things I wish I had done...and my conscience tells me, "you don't have the balls to follow through with your plans"
At times I feel bored with my life...and my conscience replies, "thats because you don't do anythin exciting"
At times I feel impatient...and my conscience answers, "thats because you are young"
At times I feel old...and my conscience tells me that I'm thinking too much
damn this entry strikes a chord! hope you get to do some of these things without having to heed ur conscience (at least once or twice) :)
Leave your conscience for a few weeks!!! : ) On a more serious note, WHY do you keep holding back, Rain?
hmmm..u think too much rain..haha! taking a leap without looking first won't hurt you all the time..hehehe..sometimes, because of the risks we take..we end up finding the most beautiful of all experiences.. ;-)
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