June 4, 2008

I pretty much have it down to a science as to how my typical day looks like.

Wake up at 5:30
Have breakfast at 6:00
Go walking at 6:30 up until 7:30
Finish my morning exercises until 8:30
Take a shower
Do household chores that could be anywhere from cleaning, giving the dog a bath, or cooking
Take a shower
Have lunch at around 11:00
Read a book or watch my movies until I fall asleep
Wake up at 3:00...or 4:00
Afternoon exercises until 5:00
Take a shower
Daily dose of the Internet until dinnertime
Dinner at around 7:00
Evening brisk walk with friends at 9:00
Take a shower
In bed by 10:30

There you have it. My life for the next 45 days. It consists mainly of exercises and showers. Sounds exciting, huh? But looking on the bright side - at least i'm going to end up the fittest and most hygienic, jobless 24-year old around. That has to count for something.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I am yellow with envy. Your typical day shows how much discipline you have!