July 13, 2006

My Advocacy
Some do it for the whales, others do it for the trees, some do it for the starving children around the world. If I could have an advocacy, a cause that I would fight hard and proud for, a belief that incites my passion and stirs up my emotions, it would have to be...Work-Life Balance.

I am a firm believer of Work-Life Balance! A person without it, is simply a tired and unhappy individual. C'mon people, we don't live to work. Your existence and purpose in the world is'nt based on the amount of hours you log in the office. I pity the hard-workers who stay in the office for more than 14 hours at a time, week-ends included. Their reasons? A. I'm swamped with work B. I have poor time-management skills C. I work slow, but steady D. I'm single, alone, and don't really have anything productive to do E. I love what they do so much, its ok not to love myself F. I'm a martyr, i'm hoping the company builds me a monument someday, the reasons are endless! I used to do this back in my previous company, but I found out that the more I stayed late, the more I worked week-ends, the more I ended up unproductive and unhappy.
My motto in work is - "Start Early, So You Can Leave Early". I live by this mantra. I go to work at 8 AM, I leave at 6 PM. People may think that this is a lack of commitment at work on my part, but I beg to disagree with you. This, I call discipline. And its good to practice discipline while you're young. It's a given that you're not bound to finish all of your tasks in a day. From 8 til 6, I am fully commited to the company, but from 6 onwards, I am fully commited to myself.